Friday 27 March 2009

''A Bloodless Revolution''

By Mohammad Khan

You may call it wishful thinking or blank optimism but I consider restoration of Chief justice Iftikhar Chuadri as a revolution.

Backing down of President Asif Zardari on its previous stance not to restore judiciary at its 2nd November 2007 position is an indication of people’s power.
Now a foundation stone has been led for the rule of law and for a new era of awakening.

The father of the nation MA Jinnah has already achieved this feat before, with the help of people’s strength to deliver a separate homeland where equality, justice and rule of law will prevail

Selfish politician blew Quaid’s success into air soon afterwards. Political bickering and skirmishes pulled professional soldiers into political arena. The rest is history, which mostly records bloodless coups and debacle.

Since 2007 the unflinching faith and resilience shown by ‘the black coats’ truly inspired the civil society. The dripping blood of lawyers and the members of civil society on the streets of Islamabad was a rare event in our history.

Their support grew enormously. The change in attitudes and …were dismissed as a short-lived emotional surge. Whatever you name it but the same bug bit ex-president Musharaf and this new government of Prime Minister Gillani also could not realize the facts and ground realities in time to save their face.

Power accumulation is always a menace. This government treaded the same old path. Power centralization and confrontation was like an unannounced motto. But history tells us that we do not learn from history. After nine long years of dictatorship and specifically the last three horrible years, people were expecting a new dawn of political awareness and political tolerance.

Their thirst still insatiate, their craving for stability still unfulfilled. Peoples of Pakistan were not interested in chief Justice as an individual. His personality stood for an idea-Justice, rule of law and sanctity of an institution. They were ready to follow anyone who could deliver. The efforts and stood fastness for so long through all these difficult times and those who capitalized on that would be remembered.

We are always a volatile nation but this time our energies did not waste for cheap short term political gains. Now our political acumen is ripe. We are more aware of political and social problems than before. We are not blind followers of the past. We now can differentiate between black and white. We can read contrasting statements. We understand those who pay mere lip service and those who literally mean it.

Apart from all this political growth and coming of age our people now understand the value of their voice. They have realized their power and strength. Before they were wary of sacrifice that nothing could happen or could change. This realization of self-confidence and united stand against the ruling forces that led to success against ex President Musharaf and against President Zardari as well is no less than a revolution. . It is a change, a revolution

These few years in Pakistan’s history has seen a lot. Wide spread Internal insurgency, US threats and drone attacks and Indian threats on our borders were more than enough to make a nation psychologically ill. Electricity and food shortages and unemployment at all times high. Economic meltdown, high inflation and soaring debts were presenting a real scenario of a failed state. The country heading towards bankruptcy and asking IMF for help were signs of an ailing nation.
Despite all this bleak scenarios, people did shed off the laziness and indecisiveness that was hackling them for ages. They stood up against the powerful sacrificing their professions, their valuable time and most importantly were ready to give their lives too. They sided with the truth in the hope of better future. Where there will be justice and rule of law. It is said, “That who seeks and acts to change his future Allah never disappoints him”. Our nation proved that.

None of us can deny the unequivocal support and push provided by media throughout the campaign. Media intentionally or unintentionally fought peoples’ war. Media kept the hope and spirit high when it was at its low. Media revolution in Pakistan proved that free media could mould the future of a nation. If media decide to serve it can do miracles.

Skimming the past and then predicting the future could result in the same old story. Pessimism prevalent and a never-ending vicious political circle engulf every individual and party.

Not again, these couple of years define history differently. We have to perceive and predict differently. We have come a long way through a very turbulent past. Now is the time to build upon the new foundations with strong faith in us and unshakable belief in a brighter future (Insha Allah).

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