Friday 6 March 2009

The Barn Dance

By Anli Hung

The barn dance is a traditional common event in Britain. However, I never heard and experienced that before I participated it yesterday. I finally realised that the dance was usually shown on movies that I ever seen.

My friend, Helen, from church invited me to attend their event "Barn dance" last night. That is my first time to hear about that and I regarded that it might be similar with the Harvest festival for aborigines in Taiwan. However, they are totally different.

The harvest festival on Taiwan is especially celebrated by aborigines in summer. They dance and thank God give them a good harvest in a year.

The harvest festival dance in Taiwan

The event I attended last night, there were about 100 people from different countries and Taiwanese were just four on that day. A leader taught each individual dance before the music beginning. He introduced the names of each dance but I did not remember even the steps. Anyways, he gave the instructions orally during dance so I did not worry about missing any step.
Barn dance, which is a British tradition event, is associated with family-oriented or community-oriented event, like wedding. It just like dances in the movies "Titanic" and "Pride and Prejudice".

We danced over two hours that was killing me because I did not do exercise for a long time. The dance was not hard to remember and it repeated until the music end. The most I impressed was that the steps of each dance must have a step "swing". Sometimes swing by yourself or swing in two. My partner always swung with me very fast. Some dance, that all people were with a big circle, would change the partner so that was a good chance to meet other people.

When I went back home, the melody of the barn dance music were still in my brain. Anyways, I would like to share and teach my Taiwanese friend about the barn dance. That is really unforgettable and interesting.

The barn dance in the UK

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