Tuesday 31 March 2009

【Feature】Travelling of Fresh International Students

By Anli Hung

Seizing the chance in the UK , apart from studying, travelling is one of the motive force for me to sustain. However, in less money to live a plentiful life style is always my main belief.

In the last few weeks, I travelled to Scotland ( Newcastle , Edinburgh and Glasgow ) for five days and spent only 140 pounds,eating, housing, transportation, shopping and visiting all inclusive.

As for transportation, please link to Transportation, that I have mentioned.

One should do some homework before departing, such as reading travel book. My own experience is; I usually highlight some scenic spots and plan in an efficient way. Google Map is a useful tool for planning the line, which can help save time. Travel information office, where I could get free local map or relative information, is always the first place I visite.

In housing aspect, B&B, which means beds and breakfast, is suitable for students or lone-travelers. There is no B&B in Taiwan but it has been very popular in Europe . At average, it cost about 15 pounds and it would be a shared room and bathroom with others. It depends on the price. The much more price you pay, the much more private space you will have. It is a good opportunity to communicate with other countries’ people and share the culture or travelling experience.

As for eating, my trip plan often to depart early in the morning. I would depart after having full breakfast, make lunch by myself and tak it on my way.

B&B provide breakfast so I would try my best to eat full to burst. Some B&B even offer breakfast all day so I would also not miss the chance.

In this summer, I travelled a lot and ate in Subway several times because they have specific discount subway each day, which just cost about 3 pounds and it could deal with two meals.

I rarely eat fast food but when in need, I might choose McDonald’s. Compare to McDonald’s in Taiwan , it is probably more expensive. But not many international students know that if you order a meal and show your student card, they will give you an extra hamburger.

I have always found a half price roasted chicken (£1.5) in supermarket just because it was broken but not lack a leg or a wing.

Most of people think that travel must cost a lot, especially visiting museum or art gallery. Newcastle is famous for bridges, which is free. I took metro to suburb, where it was not only beautiful but the souvenirs were cheaper than city centre.

Edinburgh is famous for castles, which played a main part in my cost list but it was worthy.

Glasgow is an art city so many museums and art galleries locate there. However, most of museums are free for visitors. I especially recommend Kelvingrove Art Gallery , which display animal’s specimens.

Sunday 29 March 2009

Clocks go forward for summer time

By Anli Hung

Do you remember that you borrowed an hour from time last October? Today, it is time to return it.

British summer time began at 1am on Sunday 29 March 2009, after that clocks had to go forward an hour to 2am. It means you have lost an hour in bed. Also, the change will make darker mornings but lighter evenings.

The idea of daylight saving came from an American inventor Benjamin Franklin. He worked in France and noticed that French wasted time in midnight life and waking up late. It made him to write a letter about the daylight saving suggestion to Paris Magazine in 1784. Until 1916, Germany was the first country to execute the policy and Britain also followed it leading to spreading European.

Saturday 28 March 2009

St. Patrick's Day parade rolls out in city centre

By Anli Hung

Do you wear green today? City centre become more bustling than before in these days. The St. Patrick’s Day runs from 14th to 17th March. Hundreds of people wear green and come to Fargate, Sheffield city centre to celebrate it.

It is the first time St. Patrick’s Day parade holding in Sheffield. The ceremony began with a service in St. Marie’s Catholic Cathedral. At the end of it, followers went to front to accept bliss.

Hundreds people attend the parade from St. Marie’s Catholic Cathedral to Sheffield town hall. The line was led by an ex-Irish soldier, Frank, who hold the Irish flag and the Garlic athletic association of Sheffield Hallam University. After arriving town hall, people enjoyed the performance of traditional Irish dance and instruments.

Outside of the town hall, the annual appearance of the big white tent is popular and among Sheffield’s Irish community. There was a live music performance, Irish dance or music around the marquee, and also Over 50 traders from parts of Europe offered the Irish and continental food.

【Film Review】Yes Man

By Anli Hung
Sometimes films play a role in influencing people’s attitude. Most of people in this era have the same problems, such as rarely being concerned with others or refusing others’ requests. Even more and more people have melancholia or social phobia.

Jim Carrey plays a guy who can't say no in "Yes Man," based on a memoir by British author Danny Wallace about the life-changing power of positive responding. Each role has clear and dependent personality so it is easy to understand the film purpose.

From the roles of this film, I like the lawyer friend of the main actor Carl. He plays the role with a normal life and a normal thinking. It is worthy that he never given up his friend Carl, even Carl lives under shadow after he divorced. Although Carl seldom picked up the phone or always had excuse to meet up, he still did his best to invite Carl. The real friend is accepting you include your faults and be with you and remind you to change it.

The life most people would admire is the actress. She runs a bend at night and takes photographs when running at 6am. It seems like she could not earn much money but she is satisfied with her life. The most blessed person is having a job that he/she is really interested in.

As for the attitude to life, is it really benefits to say YES in everything? Maybe, but absolutely it is better than say NO. Yes Man did use an easy way to enlighten pessimists. I truly believe that when we say Yes to everyone and lucks will come to us. In other words, when we say No, opportunities will definitely keep us away.

Rating: ★★★★☆
Directed By: Peyton Reed
Cast: Jim Carrey

Running Time: 104 mins

【Film Review】Marley and Me

By Anli Hung
Have you ever seen a film, which make you with belly laughs and also tears? The first glance on the poster of Marley and Me, it seems to be a comedy between a Labrador and his owner. Marley and Me is based on the apparently true story of John Grogan (Owen Wilson), a journalist who buys a puppy for his wife Jenny (Jennifer Aniston), when she starts getting broody for some offspring, in order to hopefully distract her long enough for him to get his head around becoming a father.

I noticed there is more and more film about animals in these decades, it benefits for audience to care about these issues, like stray dogs. Dogs could be our friends and families that when we need them, but how come when we focus on much more importance, instead of them. Marley and Me gave a good example.

John and Jenny have many plans in their new life. However, the plan never followed the changes. Until Marley ( The Labrador) became a part of their family, it was the terrible life beginning. Marley, with his terror of thunderstorms and ability to chew though drywall and swallow jewelry, became just as much responsibility, if not more so, than any child could be.

Marley and Me reminds audience how precious things in life can be. Whether it is a dream job that you never realized was, until you had moved on to something else. Or a dog that constantly tested your nerves and patience, only to gaze up at you with eternal devotion while you are yelling at him.

Marley and Me may make audience think of their own pets, whether in the past, present, or even future. It reminds them how broad and encompassing the term “family’ really is. Marley and Me will also make viewers cry, but whether they are tears of sadness or joy, take another look.

Frankel, also the director of The Devil Wears Prada, does a good job of hiding the script's many shortcomings, with a nod-worthy soundtrack and picturesque locations aplenty. Although disposable and heavy-handed, this will ultimately please the masses, who may just leave the cinema with a damp hanky for comfort.

Rating: ★★★★☆
Directed By: David Frankel
Novel Written By: John Grogan
Cast: Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston
Running Time: 115 minutes

Friday 27 March 2009

''A Bloodless Revolution''

By Mohammad Khan

You may call it wishful thinking or blank optimism but I consider restoration of Chief justice Iftikhar Chuadri as a revolution.

Backing down of President Asif Zardari on its previous stance not to restore judiciary at its 2nd November 2007 position is an indication of people’s power.
Now a foundation stone has been led for the rule of law and for a new era of awakening.

The father of the nation MA Jinnah has already achieved this feat before, with the help of people’s strength to deliver a separate homeland where equality, justice and rule of law will prevail

Selfish politician blew Quaid’s success into air soon afterwards. Political bickering and skirmishes pulled professional soldiers into political arena. The rest is history, which mostly records bloodless coups and debacle.

Since 2007 the unflinching faith and resilience shown by ‘the black coats’ truly inspired the civil society. The dripping blood of lawyers and the members of civil society on the streets of Islamabad was a rare event in our history.

Their support grew enormously. The change in attitudes and …were dismissed as a short-lived emotional surge. Whatever you name it but the same bug bit ex-president Musharaf and this new government of Prime Minister Gillani also could not realize the facts and ground realities in time to save their face.

Power accumulation is always a menace. This government treaded the same old path. Power centralization and confrontation was like an unannounced motto. But history tells us that we do not learn from history. After nine long years of dictatorship and specifically the last three horrible years, people were expecting a new dawn of political awareness and political tolerance.

Their thirst still insatiate, their craving for stability still unfulfilled. Peoples of Pakistan were not interested in chief Justice as an individual. His personality stood for an idea-Justice, rule of law and sanctity of an institution. They were ready to follow anyone who could deliver. The efforts and stood fastness for so long through all these difficult times and those who capitalized on that would be remembered.

We are always a volatile nation but this time our energies did not waste for cheap short term political gains. Now our political acumen is ripe. We are more aware of political and social problems than before. We are not blind followers of the past. We now can differentiate between black and white. We can read contrasting statements. We understand those who pay mere lip service and those who literally mean it.

Apart from all this political growth and coming of age our people now understand the value of their voice. They have realized their power and strength. Before they were wary of sacrifice that nothing could happen or could change. This realization of self-confidence and united stand against the ruling forces that led to success against ex President Musharaf and against President Zardari as well is no less than a revolution. . It is a change, a revolution

These few years in Pakistan’s history has seen a lot. Wide spread Internal insurgency, US threats and drone attacks and Indian threats on our borders were more than enough to make a nation psychologically ill. Electricity and food shortages and unemployment at all times high. Economic meltdown, high inflation and soaring debts were presenting a real scenario of a failed state. The country heading towards bankruptcy and asking IMF for help were signs of an ailing nation.
Despite all this bleak scenarios, people did shed off the laziness and indecisiveness that was hackling them for ages. They stood up against the powerful sacrificing their professions, their valuable time and most importantly were ready to give their lives too. They sided with the truth in the hope of better future. Where there will be justice and rule of law. It is said, “That who seeks and acts to change his future Allah never disappoints him”. Our nation proved that.

None of us can deny the unequivocal support and push provided by media throughout the campaign. Media intentionally or unintentionally fought peoples’ war. Media kept the hope and spirit high when it was at its low. Media revolution in Pakistan proved that free media could mould the future of a nation. If media decide to serve it can do miracles.

Skimming the past and then predicting the future could result in the same old story. Pessimism prevalent and a never-ending vicious political circle engulf every individual and party.

Not again, these couple of years define history differently. We have to perceive and predict differently. We have come a long way through a very turbulent past. Now is the time to build upon the new foundations with strong faith in us and unshakable belief in a brighter future (Insha Allah).

Sheffielders cheered the first ever St Patrick's Day parade through the streets of sheffield

By Mohammad Khan

The first ever St Patrick’s Day parade walked through the streets of Sheffield city center, as the Irish community celebrated St Patrick’s Day yesterday.

It was the only St Patrick’s Day parade-taking place in England on the day.
Celebrations started with a traditional Irish Mass at St Marie's Catholic Cathedral, Norfolk Row, where hymns were accompanied by traditional Irish music.

More than 200 people paraded through the center that was led by Sheffield Hallam university Gaelic athletic association-UK college champions at Gaelic football, and flag bearer Frank cordon ex- Irish soldier dressed in green army uniform embellished with medals and souvenirs. His wife Monica wearing green dress accompanied him as well.

Sheffield town hall hosted the party. There was an official civic reception, with performances of Irish tap dancing and singing. Top folk singer Al O’Donnell and local musicians performed as well.

Earlier in the morning there was a health conference and information event about issues facing the Irish community in Sheffield.
There were also speeches from a senior representative of the Irish Embassy David Fern and Lord Mayor of Sheffield Cllr Jane Bird, a senior member for housing and communities, Cllr Bob McCann and many others.
Lord mayor Jane Bird said ….

St Patrick’s Day is celebrated

Thursday 26 March 2009

【Feature】Transportation of Fresh International Students

By Anli Hung
Basically, Sheffield is not quite big and if you live in dorm, where often locates around the city centre. It is rarely for students to take mass transportation in the city.

As I mentioned the Castle Market before, it locates in the north of the city and I live in the south of it. It will spend about 40 minutes on foots between these two places. However, I always go to Castle Market once a week so the bags must be heavy. I want to recommend a best friend “Freebee”, which is free bus and was drove around the city centre in every 7 minutes. It also stops in rail station and coach station. Except Freebee, I always walk.

Castle Market is not far any more because of FreeBee.

Paul also walk a lot but sometime he takes bus if it is in hurry. “The bus ticket is also expensive so if it not necessary, I usually walk.” he said.

Rizal live in suburb and he will stay in Sheffield for three years so he bough a car. In the UK , if you drive, you must have not only driving license but also paying insurance. “The price of the insurance depends on your car size.” Rizal said. “I need car because I am delivering pizza.” I am surprised about delivering pizza by “car” because in Taiwan , delivering man always works by motorcycle. Then, I notice that there is no motorcycle in the UK . Rizal said: “That’s impossible for me to deliver pizza by motorcycle in such freezing day!”

Travelling in the UK , train is the best choice. Students could apply to the young person card, which can get 30% discount. Train ticket could be booked online and it had better book it as early as possible. The earlier you book, the cheaper you get.

Comparing price is important in travelling. If it is too late to get the cheap train ticket, coach could also substitute for it. National Express, which I took often, provides “Fun Fare” from Sheffield to London , Leeds and Newcastle . From Sheffield to London , it cost just 5 pounds.

Megabus, which is a coach, is also useful. The station in Sheffield locates in Meadowhall. Last time I took it from Oxford to London and it cost just one pound.

Watch Paul shares his experience now!

【Recipe Review】Steamed Buns

By Anli Hung
Steamed buns are a kind of traditional Chinese breads and sometime we eat it as breakfast. However, it is not easy to find steamed buns in the UK, maybe in Chinese market but it is very pricey. One of my friends came over my place and we both missed steamed buns very much. So, we decided to make it by ourselves. We were so excited to make our first steamed buns.

300g of plain flour
4g of yeast
3g of baking powder
30g of granulated sugar
150g of milkStep

1. Pour 10g of milk in the yeast and baking powder (do not use it until the yeast dissolved in the milk). Pour 140g of milk in the flour and the sugar, then pour the yeast and powder milk.
2. And start to knead it into mixture flour. Remember not to stop until it is with bounce.
3. Roll the pastry into a rectangle.
4. Spread some raisin and medlar on it (could also put some grain you like).
5. Roll it up.
6. Cut it into the size you like, and wait for about 30 mins until it is leavened.
7. Steam them in a pan.

It’s done and successful! They look and taste delicious. They all cost just about 30 pens. I like to make things like this with friends and family. It makes us spend good time together and also saves our money. You could also try it!

There is one that I would like to mention. I do not have the measuring cup here to measure the ingredients so I use my measuring spoon.
1 spoon = 15g
1 tea spoon = 5g
It meant that when I measured 300g of plain flour, I used spoon to measure it 20 times. Sometimes we need to brainstorming when we face difficulties.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Celebration at Sheffield City Centre attracts the event-St. Patrick's Day

Poonam Sahu.

For the upcoming event of St. Patrick’s Day, stalls are been organised and people are eager to celebrate pre- St. Patrick’s Day. These stalls were organised from 14th of March 2009 at the Sheffield City Centre.‘The whole motto of this idea of organising stalls and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day was to make it a big celebration for the Irish community people as well as the English people of Britain’, says the event Organiser Mr. David Ferald.

He then ends the interview by wishing all the people a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

Lord Mayor, Jane states, ‘St. Patrick’s Day is always being celebrated for the last several years’.

This had been organised by the Sheffield City Council committee members.

Through this tourists and the International students are also getting entertained, as after all they stay so far from their family and country.

Our Team members- Poonam, Mohammad, and Anli, had been effortlessly trying hard to get as much as information, videos as well as interviews to entertain our viewers.

There were a range of all such items which attracts people of all ages.

One can find food items from French cuisine to Indian, dress materials to ready-made dresses, show-pieces and antiques to flowering plants, indoor as well as outdoor plants, etc..

You can find anything and everything of all possible ranges.

One must visit and let know how it really felt like, as this is the most suitable place to chill out and shop. Whether you have a jolly or low mood the celebration and stalls would definitely make you feel much better.

Ahaa.... Don’t worry one doesn’t need to take more money; you can take as little you want to.

Then in the Town Hall there was a event organised by the Sheffield Council. Parade was done from the nearest Church to the Town Hall after a prayer.

There was a press conference as well where guests and Lord Mayor spoke about the precautionary steps that should be taken by the Lay people in order to be safe against the various diseases.

Stalls for adequate information were also organised.

There had been a tap-dance show organised too. If you weren’t at the Town Hall, then you missed it. But still then you can watch out these events here.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Spring blooms UK

Poonam Sahu
Welcome Spring!

Spring has started. It’s time to be out of your houses and enjoy the soothing and warm rays of the Sun.
Spring the best time of the year, in comparison with other three seasons- summer, autumn and winter. This is the time when the weather is moderate and people go out and lay down under the Sun.

New leaves and flowers grow at this period of season. It seems so beautiful to see colourful flowering plants like daffodils, tulips etc. all around the city.

People go for outings and picnics. Children are out in the garden playing. Thorny plants are replaced with flowering plants. Rooms are decorated with pots of flowering plants.

Now a day’s often the sun rays appears and people walk down for work. Unlike during winters people couldn’t come out of their homes due to heavy rain and snow.

But spring is a season one can enjoy and be out of you homes for hours.

Coming from a coastal area, we had never seen autumn in our city. Not a single tree out there is without leaves and flowers.

Although autumn is considered to be the best time to plant new flowering plants, so that it grows healthy and starts flowering in bunches during the winter season. A plant like sun-flowers, mari-gold, roses, tiger lily etc. are seen with bunches of flowers on them.

As here for the very first time I could see huge trees with no leaves left by the beginning of the winter season.

So it’s time to come out of the houses and enjoy the Sun and flowers as well as do some gardening too.

Friday 20 March 2009

England at last couldn’t escape from Recession

Poonam Sahu.
The government of Britain and the UK Border Agency has raised its visa application process fees to a higher level and even applied more complicated rules for those who want to enter the UK.

Due to more and more complicated rules and hike in prices for the visa application, there will be a very few number of international students or employees from now.
The very first time in the history of fifteen years, England couldn’t at last escape from the term-‘Recession’.

Since 1991, England economy had been rising high up into the sky.

All of a sudden due to various factors such as bad climatic conditions in these few months of the winter, and holidays/ leave due to this, joblessness, bank crash etc. the country’s economy has slashed down.

Unemployment, bad weather, leave due to this, wrong decisions by banks authorities, etc. has put the country and its people into a big trouble which would take many long years to settle up again.

It has been expected the country has to survive in recession atleast for the next two years. The unemployment rate is now around 6.5%, the highest figure since the end of 1997.

Due to heavy rate of job cuts, the job search for the international students as well as employees would decrease in the coming years. As well as due to no International students and no work, UK is going to suffer much more.

It was due to the funds of the International students that the country and the institutions were surviving. And if there are no jobs then students would never come for higher students to UK.

To regain from this situation Britain needs International response.
Even it needs to pressurize on all the world leaders to work and fight together against recession.

UK's economy is to experience its weakest period of growth in 15 years and there is a risk of a recession in the next two years, a report warns.

Therefore, it’s time for action now. All it needs to do is to save energy, money as well as hard work without wasting much time, re-plan and make a good strategy to sort out with as well as allow International students, let them study and work as well, etc..

Nature at its Peak, yet asleep

By Mohammad Khan


Wow! Wonderful! Beautiful! May be more such exclamatory words remained dumped inside my bosom.

My emotional glands were ripe in my brain; expectations were at its peak. I was thriving and jumping like a little kid in her mother’s lap for milk. The day I was waiting for so anxiously, was today.

A good number of International students (more than sixty) gathered outside HUBS for a tour to Peak district.

It reminded me of Swat valley and Galyat back home (PAKISTAN). Where mountains, stands at seven to eight thousands feet above sea level. Covered with green lush and luxuriant pine trees, more than thirty feet tall.

Narrow but strong river flowing below in these valleys fed up by rivulets and springs flowing down the mountains, presenting a ravishing sight for every eye.

The stills and videos recorded through the lenses of my eyes on imagination’s hard disk cannot be deleted or scratched unless a better and more ravishing scene overwrites them.

The only talk of peak district was enough to arouse my feelings. It always increased my internal craving for the mesmerizing beauty and heavenly attractiveness of Peak district.
Tour organizers, student volunteers guided us all through the journey. Friendly, jolly and beautiful guides spiced up our experience of a tour in a different country.

A short journey by train through the second longest, Tetley tunnel with students from over fourteen different nationalities was mind blowing.

Diversity week has already been celebrated but our tour was a real taste of diversity at SHU for us all.

Glidford; uphill, well treaded, snake like twisting and turning path among the trees was no less attractive than Swat or Galyat.

Old big trees were so feel good on eyes. Thick green moss all around over the tree trunks and over large and small boulders splattered with yellowish brown, dark brown fallen tree leaves was heart catching.
Wonderful! Recalling every moment of the day, minute details of this journey were recorded properly. The plot of this journey was wonderful.

The only thing that pokes me is its theme. The Nature at Peak was yet asleep. I have only seen the innocence and beauty of it while it was asleep.

I have to go back again during full blooming summer. I have to enjoy its openness, its lush green, carpeted floor and forest in August, September. The story is not yet complete. I have to feel and see The Nature at Peak, awake!


By Mohammad Khan

Life is sweet and beautiful. Its colourfulness comes with diversity. Stagnation and monotony is against human nature. It moves with different pace at different places.

Public houses or Pub is a place to socialise, to meet people from neighbourhood. It is a kind of keeping in touch with community and to know about their daily lives. It is a place to relax.

Recalling Peshawar (Pakistan) and its suburbs brings all the colourful images of thriving life. The tea shops or public houses with its soot and smoke black ceilings, vapours floating above the ''SAMAWAR''-a round silver colour pot filled with milk, a tap at its base, two handles one on both sides rusty and layered with ceramic and a round chimney pipe at the top releasing pressure out of it.

A busy looking man sitting beside it, fanning the fire under it to keep the milk warm and putting round blue,green and yellow kettles of different sizes -usually many layers of dirt around the handles-on a thick sieve like plate.

Gas burners boil the water up in these kettles. Quick show of hands, adding sugar, loose tea and milk from 'samawar' in many Kettles at a time, present the scene of barmaid filling up glasses of Guinness.

You see young teenagers running around to collect orders from customers. Picking up cups and kettles from tables. Cups, small as 25ml china porcelain are commonly used in all pubs. These are like a shot of wine. Customers put order for more than one cup.

In urban areas public houses are different. Usually concrete walls and roofs. Sitting places would be chairs around tables. Not very well lit. The dark coloured walls ,framed sceneries and pictures of birds and fruit baskets on them, not cleaned for ages.TV in a corner playing a movie of 'Badr munir' -a famous actor.
These public houses are good refuge for tired customers and visitors out for shopping around the market.

Shopkeepers and their guests are loyal customers of these pubs. they just put an order for tea and a helper will deliver it at shop in five to ten minutes.

Rural area presents the real and original picture. Modernism and scientific developments have not altered its face. Thatched roof supported by wood beams and wooden pillars, well ventilated and open on all sides. Wooden benches or beds woven with rope- ‘Kut’ are used in place of chairs. Heavy, rough , and wood made long, imbalance tables between uncovered beds in long rows can be seen at every pub.

‘Dray Dood pati’, ‘yawa kawa’-an order for three cups of tea and one green tea, can be heard while you enjoy your own tea or ‘Kawa’.

Apart from HUJRA-a sort of social club, here one can sense and feel the strength of neighbour hood. These are the places of relaxation. Cheap and easy drinks available anytime. It is a place for all social and political discussions-usually based on opinions, rumors and heresy.

Modernism and advancement is taking the toll not here in the west but in the east too.This new development in technology and self-sufficiency of people is a threat.

In Europe pub culture is declining. Pubs are closing down. Digitalisation, TV and hundred of channels just a click away, Xboxes ps2's, 3's are all very responsible for keeping the people in.

Instead of joining neighbours at the local for drink, sink in the comfort of their soft and warm couches in front of big screens with hundred of channels at their finger tips, just a click away.

The other big factor is the cheap booze available at supermarkets compels people to buy more for less money, which again keep them at home. The pubs were the hubs for neighbourhood activities. These were the places to make friends and share the worries of work or life. It was a place to relax and enjoy.

But now pubs are closing down and people are more inclined to keeping in instead of going out for a point or two at a local.

The only thing that fascinates me is that human nature is same everywhere. Feelings, emotions and impulses are same. The only difference is presentation of these impulses, which requires an eye to see that diversity. Though Humanity is one.


By Mohammad Khan
A 20 year man charged for knife crime has been sentenced to 200 hours community work.

Sheffield crown court sentenced Tahir Sharif from Netherage, following the directives issued by magistrate court for carrying knife.

Neil Coxton prosecuting said that his former girlfriend reported Mr. Sharif's behaviour. Ms Anisha from 24 swarcliff,darnall reported that his behaviour was threatening when he confronted her in a dark alley at 1700hrs.

Mr Sharif was later taken into custody.The CCTV footage revealed that he was carrying a blade. There was a substantial chance of using it during confrontation.

The Defence, Mathew Stanberry, described Mr. Sharif as a young man with high determination. He is working as a volunteer. He has no previous convictions.He said, ''The magistrate directives are second degree directives. But Mr Sharif's clean record qualifies him for lesser sentence.''

The Recorder Dean Smith said while sentencing Mr Sharif, ''knife crime has taken many lives across London but you are a young man. It is your first time. You have learnt a lesson'' and added, ''your sentence is a direct alternative to custody.''

The recorder asked Mr Sharif to contact probation officer.

Thursday 19 March 2009

【Feature】Housing Experience of Fresh International Students

By Anli Hung

One coin has two sides. It is both advantageous and disadvantageous to live in a dorm or a house. However, most of students choose to live in dorms even it is more expensive than living in house.

I live in The Forge, which belongs to UNITE. I choose The forge because it not far from my University, also the living function around there is completed. 84 pounds per week include water, electricity and internet. I have my own bathroom, which I care the most, and share a kitchen with four flat mates. They are all girls and British students.

This summer, I have no flat mates so I enjoyed all space, included living room, kitchen and gallery. But sometime I felt lonely. When the semester started, my flat mates gradually appeared. Two are friendly and we often shared with our lives and different cultures.

However, the others are really my nightmare. After they came here, they just threw their rubbish in the kitchen away once in five months and the basin full of their dirty dishes. From the beginning, I reminded them several times but it was still useless. Moreover, they ate my food without asking and often have parties at midnight so that it was very noisy. That was extremely awful. I have told them so many times and the reception came to ask them to be quiet. Those were all useless.

My life changed after two awful flat mates have entered.

The contract is one year so that is impossible that I moved out, and they neither. That’s my fate. If I have choice before I live in dorm, I would definitely choose my flat mates by myself.

Paul also lives in dorm and shares with some international students. He also had ever had an argument with his flat mates. He said: “Because we all from different countries, have different culture and behavior.”

Rizal shares a flat with four Malaysia students that he did not know them before. Even they all from the same country, they also have some argument. “Because of same language, it’s easy to communicate with them.” Rizal said. “If I have a second choice, I will still choose to share the flat with same country students.

Olasypo, who is from Nigeria , shares flat with some students from different countries. However, he has totally different fate with Paul. His flat mates are all very friend and they have good relationship.

“Your flat mates would decide what your UK life is.” I said.

Watch Rizal and Paul share their experiences now!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Bong connection

By Debjani Basu


[It’s about the recently released Beng-lish (involving both the languages Bengali and English) movie “The Bong Connection”, claimed to be a crossover film directed by Anjan Dutta…No I’m not going to write another sort of film-review here…but previously I read an article on it which pointed it as a satirical take on Bengali lives…I don’t agree, honestly, I didn’t find any satire at all…So did that movie really connect the Bongs? Or it fails to do so…otherwise, why our interpretations contradict, and these two don’t connect? ]

Just imagine...North Pole’s moving downwards to touch the Southern oneand the South Pole’s doing just the opposite.That's the simple quintessence of the filmnot a "film", rather an encapsulation of the mindset of today's youth.

Initialization involves two parallel journeys...Person-One from New York to Calcutta in quest of musicProbably in its truest form...not perverted by modern orchestra,And Person-Two heads to Houston from CalcuttaFloating in the blow of hi-tech IT waves...

Time passes by...Gradually their eventful lives get fulfilled with more events
After hunting at the grass-root level, Person-One realizes --Calcutta has moved far ahead the era of Tagore.Young’s here enjoy at clubs, listen to band-musicTorn between tradition & modernity, they've lost their originalityOlder ones pretend to be intellectual giants Who always criticize without trying to solve the problems,To make this place sluggish, stagnant, paralyzedAnd ultimately fails to realize his dreams.

Person-Two goes beyond the situation of any realizationHe stumbles and mumbles as a fish-out-of-water does.Though it takes up lots of days for getting accustomedbut he remains the same Bengali guy till the endbeing failed to shed-off his strain of inner tradition.

Thus two failures converges their lives at the same pointthough their storylines started parallelingthe connecting-factor may be "The Bong Connection"...But did it really connect the Bongs (colloquial name for Bengalis)?

Monday 16 March 2009

【Feature】Eating Habits of Fresh International Students

By Anli Hung

British people usually buy microwaved food or canned food. In order to save money, most of international students rarely eat in restaurant but cook by themselves. Even if Paul Rey, who is from France , he can not be used to British food. He said: “That’s why I’ll go back France for Christmas. Here is too expensive. I really miss French food.” I agree with him. Even Sheffield is not a big city, the price of living is still higher than Taiwan .

Here is no 7-11(a supermarket open in 24H) in the UK . Before I came here, I can not image that most of stores close before 17:00. Compared to Taiwan , I do not worry that when I am hungry at midnight because 24H supermarkets are everywhere, and night markets as well.

British people rely on canned food.

The most common supermarkets are Sainsbury’s and Somefield. Some product’s label shows that it could be bought three for two prices. Therefore, it is a good way for me to ask friends to go together so that we could share some products reduced. Also, the food of reduced price would increase before they close because it may expire at that day.

Castle Market, which is a traditional market, is also a good place. The food there would be cheaper than in supermarket. In Taiwan , it is usual to bargain with vendors but in the UK , I never seen that someone bargained about the price. For Chinese, we love to eat the organs of domestic animals such as heart or liver, which are quite expensive in our country. Those are really delicious. However, they disgusted British people so it is very cheap. A lamb heart is about 50p.

Most of Chinese students’ luggages were over weighed because of bringing Chinese food. There are two Chinese supermarkets in Sheffield , Kuag-Hsin and Da-Hsin. They provide many products from China and some from Taiwan .

Rizal Rahman, who is from Malaysia , is a Muslim. Although he is also missing home food, he is satisfied with convenience for buying food. He said: “There are many Halal meat shops in Sheffield . I can say, is everywhere.”

Buying reduced price food is a good way for saving money. Seeding vegetables by ourselves can be also a choice. Spring onion is an important spice for Chinese food. I have tried to seek it by just water. Keep about 5cm of the root, add half of water and put in a place with sunshine. It can be usually harvested in every week.

Watch Rizal and Paul share their experiences now!

Saturday 14 March 2009


By Debjani Basu

HOLI – a famous and very popular Hindu spring festival in Northern India is celebrated by all ages and it has an interesting legend behind it. It is celebrated on a full moon day and is a colourful ardour to win the blessings of God for good harvests and fertility of the land.
This festival is also known as the “Festival of colours”. Different types of powdered colours and water guns filled with coloured water are used to soak and colour everyone in range. I personally indulged myself in lot of water and colour splashing. Every year I used to have an exhilarating experience of playing Holi. I used to have super- soaker and water balloon war and everybody readily shared their coloured powders and seemed to be as happy of being painted than painting others.
This year I thought Holi will be boring as the anti-pollution laws in UK are strict and the drizzly weather a spoilsport. But soon my misconceptions were cleared as I played Holi on 11th March, here in Sheffield with a wild gang of 60 people. We were being invited by some students of University of Sheffield to Weston Park to celebrate Holi. They greeted us in the friendly Holi way: smearing colour on our faces with hands, hugging and wishing "Happy Holi!”. After the welcoming hugs someone asked in a playful voice: "You want to see real Holi? ;-)". A moment later we found ourselves in a small pool of colours where apparently all our hosts also had been once. That gave a good base paint for our clothes, so we continued by applying more colours to make it look better, singing and dancing on the lawn. As the time passed more people came and were equally dragged into the group.
After playing Holi for about 2 hours we were looking like painted ghosts. Slowly slowly, the session came to an end and we returned back home drenched in the spirit of Holi. This was one of the most enjoyable Holi I played in my whole life though with a strong dash of nostalgia.


By Debjani Basu

Peak District! A unique place of stunning landscapes and an abundance of wildlife. A tour was conducted by our university and nearly 50 students cheered their way to the beautiful countryside. The area is of great diversity and is thought to be the second most visited National Park in the whole world. Despite its name the landscape lacks sharp peaks and gorges and is mainly strewn with rounded hills and grit stone escarpments.
We boarded the train at 10.15 am and within a very short span of time reached Grindleford. I couldn’t imagine also that a simple walk along the beautiful countryside can be so exciting and breathtaking. There is so much to recommend. Not only are the views magnificent throughout, but the ups and downs are a bit difficult along the uneven steps. Along the route we encountered a number of charming fountains and small cascades. There was a nice spot for a break before we tackled the final part of our ascent. Many of us were having problems while trekking upwards because we were not equipped with the proper shoes. The weather was gloomy and very windy. The land was slippery due to heavy rain but the thick sheet of dry leaves saved us from falling down.
Another thing which grabbed my attention was the condition of the trail. It was nice and wide and lined with a continuous row of rocks on both sides, so I had no fear of falling off or getting lost. However, the entire trail is littered with rocks anywhere in size from pebbles to some a little larger than a softball. Some were embedded in the trail with their tops sticking out like icebergs. I was forced to focus on the trail directly ahead pretty much anytime I was moving. Most of the time, any sightseeing required stopping. I had not expected this, and was a bit disappointed this was the case.
The trail descends much more steeply once dropping below the resting point, and I was very much alone once on this section of the trail. It was during this section that I felt my only pang of anxiety about the safety of the trail. For a short way, the trail appears to actually be cut into a sheer cliff and to make it even more interesting, the trail was curved so that I could not see much of the trail ahead. As I ventured on I had no idea how long it would last, or if a mule train might suddenly appear from the other direction. Fortunately, it only lasted for a little ways, maybe 20-30 yards, as best I remember.
After the hectic tour, we treated ourselves to a good pub-meal, and then we headed back to our home. One great day came to an end.


By Debjani Basu

Time and again, discussed, mutilated, bashed, loved, hated, written about, spoken about, spoken to (in my case) but I still don't get it. One of the most fascinating things about love is how one goes out of their way to make romantic love, work, but never even considers to do something extra ordinary for the love they're born into. Parents, friends, and such?

Demand and supply, boss.

Where does love really lie? In intense love letters? In passionate love songs? In cheesy pickup lines? (My apartments mates forte`) Everyone I know has an opinion on love. There's one who can't wait to fall for it, in it, there's one who can't wait to disconnect when it comes up. There's Carrie Bradshaw buying herself Diane Von Furstenberg by writing about it. Okay, so she's fictitious but Michael Patrick King isn't.

I'll tell you why people always have an opinion about it. Because the word in itself can spark off emotion. There are the people who want to stab you and spray pepper in a can into your eyes, if you mention the L word, and there are the people who want to sit down with popcorn and have a discussion about it.

I have had the sheer fortune of coming across pages on the internet, which have pieces and parts of a certain book called 'Love Letters of Great Men and Women'.
It seems like this place has collectively gone into 'cynic mode' since no one has this book, in store. Seems almost like a conspiracy.

Coming back...

The book has three letters written by Beethoven to his 'Immortal Beloved'.
I have read it more than a hundred times, and each time it says something new about the depth of his passion. Love is longing, love is passion, and love is a lot of things I might never get to understand; in this lifetime. Something like riders. The sheer depth can intimidate you into an oblivious corner of your mind where, you just rather not know.

I have a lot of friends who will check this blog and who don't believe in the emotion. Let alone share my thoughts on how the eventuality of the experience can overwhelm you into someplace new.

But again, there are a lot of people who read this blog who share my infinite passion for a lot of 'unusual things'. Be it Love, or something else.
I remember reading all three letters and re-reading them.
And, re-reading them.

I post this for me. Love fascinates me. Seeing people in love makes me happy.
And yes, reading a man's letter, which’s so completely immersed in the sentiment; just makes me want to, as well.

Video By Mohammad

Friday 13 March 2009

Indian Recipe (Dessert/Mithai) for Holi: Shahi Tukra.

I had tasted this in India when I had been for a short tour. This is a dessert which is made during the festivals like 'Holi'- a festival of colours.
You can also try this out at home and blog me back as how did you like the recipe as well as how tasty did you make! Hope to see your responses and hope that you like the new Indian dessert.
'Happy Holi' and have a nice day.

Bread slices - 10nos.
Sugar - 100gms
*Ghee - to fry
*Khoya - 115gms
Milk - little
Saffron colour - a few drops
*Kewra essence or rose water - a few drops

For Decoration/garnish:
Saffron - a pinch
Pistachio nuts - 15gms
Blanched slivered almonds - according to the amount made.

Remove crusts from bread slices and deep fry to golden fry colour. Heat milk and *add sugar. Then add fried bread slices when it is quiet thick like syrup. Add condensed milk and all the ingredients.
Cook on low flame till milk becomes very thick and sticky. Arrange the bread slices in plates. Pour rest of the milk mixture over it, cover with silver leaves, sprinkle shredded nuts and saffron on top and serve warm.

*NOTE: Sugar should be added according to the sweetness required.
*Ghee - a form of clarified butter which is further processed by driving out excess moisture.
*Khoya - a form of reduced fresh milk used in making desserts and curries.
*Kewra essence -a form of concentrated oil made from pandanus flowers, and it's used to flavour meats.

Tour to India

Poonam Sahu

In the month of February when it was furiously snowing in UK, I flew from London to Bangalore. It was in the early morning when I reached there. I collected my baggage and came out of the Airport to take a cab to reach the city.

At first I couldn't believe I am back home. But it was so hot that I could at last believe it. It was the month of February and I expected it to be a moderate climate.

I anyhow reached the city, and while that time I saw the Sun rising from the East as well as the Moon in the West.

I could not believe at first, that I could see the morning Sun as well as the Moon and which would be so clear and bright too! It is actually very rarely seen, for both of them cannot be seen together.

I had to take an air-conditioned room to stay as it was pretty hot.

After facing the harsh winter (in UK), in India I at last felt relieved to feel the Sun rays. By the meantime my mom had come to receive me to take me back to my home town.

There also I met many people like some of my old friends and even an English lady who is working in the Income Tax Office in Bangalore. When she came to know I came from UK, she started to ask me about Sheffield. It seemed she was more flabbergasted and excited by the fact that I just returned back home from England.

The very second day I had to catch my train to Bhubaneswar (my home town as well as the capital city of the state of Orissa). So I and my mom had to rush fast as there was too much of traffic there and we needed atleast of two hours or more to reach to the railway station from the hotel.

After 30 hours of my journey in the a/c compartment train, finally I reached home and everyone was out there at the mid of the night to receive me at the station.

I felt so happy that I could not believe that I am backing home again after 8 long-months.

The first night in my room with my younger brothers and sisters, we were so excited that we chatted the whole night and did not sleep.

The next day, it was then around 40 degree temperature outside. I got ready and started to see friends and relatives at my place, flourishing now and then. Everybody was busy feeding me with food items, as they know I did not eat such delicious food since the time I left India.

There I had lot of food of Indian Cuisine.

Every day I used to meet all my family members and friends. I also went to most of the Temples, mainly the Puri Jagannath Temple which is at Puri (Orissa) with my friends. We all stayed there for a day and returned back the next day.

Everybody-my mom, my maternal uncles, my grandparents- all gave me much more special treatment, like giving me their own cars and rooms, etc. It seemed as if I was a guest for all.

But still then I would say that those 25 days stay in India were the most memorable days for me till the time I would be in UK.

As hear, there is a lot of pressure of assignments with all such difficulties like no comfortable transportation and help from anybody. As at home there are so many people and staffs to help me out and I used to have my own vehicles that it was so comfortable to do any work.

But here I have to undergo through lot of pressures and even staying apart, so far away from family and close friends, hurts a lot which also affects work.

It was now time to come back to Sheffield, so everybody was upset. Although it was too hot, I actually had a lot of fun! At last I reached UK on 9th of March 2009 and now back to the busy and tiresome schedule again.

I miss my home and my family a lot!

Thursday 12 March 2009

Student’s delight: Banana Loaf & Bacon Supreme

Debjani Basu
Here are two quick, easy and cheap recipes I’ve put together especially for students. They are adapted to "serve one" and are economical and simple to make. These are cheap, simple meals that taste delicious and will expand your cooking skills.

Banana Loaf

Ingredients 7oz plain flour,1 level teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 level teaspoon bicarbonate soda, 4oz caster sugar,2oz margarine, 1 egg, a little milk,2 bananas (mashed) .

Preparation time : 10-12 mins

Sieve the flour, bicarbonate soda and baking powder. Rub in the margarine and caster sugar. Add mashed bananas, beat in egg and milk and mix well. Grease a loaf tin and bake for 1 hour at 190oc in the centre of the oven. You can add a dash of chocolate essence to make it a delicious chocolate flavoured banana loaf. Enjoy!!

Bacon Supreme

Toast, Margarine or cheese, lettuce, bacon, raw peppers and onions (if you like that sort of thing).

Preparation time : 3 mins

Grill bacon, butter toast, put cheese or margarine on toast, put bacon on cheese, then lettuce (sliced pepper and onions) and then the other piece of toast, consume!
Debjani Basu

Friday 6 March 2009

【Recipe Review】Toast Pizza

By Anli Hung

Tomato & herb pizza topping
Tomato ketchup

Chicken Supreme
Red pepper, Chicken

Seafood Lovers
Red pepper, tuna and prawn

Meat Feast
Green pepper, black pepper and beef

1. Fried red pepper (or green pepper) and onion and make moisture dried
2. Choose thick toast.
3. Put tomato and herb pizza topping on the toast.
4. Put mushrooms, sweetcorns and cheese powder.
5. Bake it 10 minutes with 170

This is my first time to make a pizza. I looked for some pizza recipe but they are all complicated for me. Therefore, I discovered that toasts are an easy way. Do not need to waste too much time, just 15 minutes to make a pizza. Adding any ingredients you favour. I had tried three type pizzas, which are chicken, seafood and meat. Chicken and seafood are very tasty but meat was really terrible. I thought it should add some black pepper or mushroom sauce.

The Barn Dance

By Anli Hung

The barn dance is a traditional common event in Britain. However, I never heard and experienced that before I participated it yesterday. I finally realised that the dance was usually shown on movies that I ever seen.

My friend, Helen, from church invited me to attend their event "Barn dance" last night. That is my first time to hear about that and I regarded that it might be similar with the Harvest festival for aborigines in Taiwan. However, they are totally different.

The harvest festival on Taiwan is especially celebrated by aborigines in summer. They dance and thank God give them a good harvest in a year.

The harvest festival dance in Taiwan

The event I attended last night, there were about 100 people from different countries and Taiwanese were just four on that day. A leader taught each individual dance before the music beginning. He introduced the names of each dance but I did not remember even the steps. Anyways, he gave the instructions orally during dance so I did not worry about missing any step.
Barn dance, which is a British tradition event, is associated with family-oriented or community-oriented event, like wedding. It just like dances in the movies "Titanic" and "Pride and Prejudice".

We danced over two hours that was killing me because I did not do exercise for a long time. The dance was not hard to remember and it repeated until the music end. The most I impressed was that the steps of each dance must have a step "swing". Sometimes swing by yourself or swing in two. My partner always swung with me very fast. Some dance, that all people were with a big circle, would change the partner so that was a good chance to meet other people.

When I went back home, the melody of the barn dance music were still in my brain. Anyways, I would like to share and teach my Taiwanese friend about the barn dance. That is really unforgettable and interesting.

The barn dance in the UK


By Mohammad Khan

Caffeine, good or bad for health but it does brush the sleep over from our eyes in the morning.
People have different reasons for drinking tea or coffee.

Many have it to freshen up. Many to stay awake for what ever reason through the night. Many a time people sip a cup of tea just for the sake it.

Nobody cares how tea became a part of our lives. But many do care about the way it is made.
Making tea my way is not the high way but I can guarantee at least that you will not regret unless you were getting late for your meeting.

For a couple, lets put a kettle on .A cup and half of water and two bags of tea-three if somebody wants it strong. Sugar needs to go in but depends; how much someone is conscious about obesity or how sweet or bland one likes it.

Boil it for two to three minutes and then add a cup of milk. Fire is on and boiling it again for five minutes. Extra boiling makes it extra strong, quite obvious.
Now Tea is ready for a couple and serve it hot, with due care for your lips and mouth.

Help, not Isolate

By Mohammad Khan

Since 2001 Pakistan is facing an unresolved dilemma. The recent events in Mumbai and yesterday’s attack on Sri Lanka cricket team,8 policemen killed and 6 team members and officials hurt in Lahore revealed that everyone is pointing finger at Pakistan.

Majority of the international community blame Pakistan for most terrorist's acts around the world and even internal as well. It’s great pity that the world forgets that no one can act in a vacuum.
Every cause has got to be an effect.

Pakistan was an ally for more than twenty years during Russian-Afghan war. Pakistan was the front line state against communism and is the front line state against the war on terror. It is only Pakistan bearing full brunt of all the negative effects emerging from such situations.

A country of hundred and sixty million people of which forty percent are living below poverty line, weak infrastructure and dangling economy. Literacy rate is hardly forty three percent. Apart from its own problems Pakistan accepted and served three million refugees from across the Afghan border.

Its western allies and US trumpeted about the war against communism. They overlooked drugs and gun culture over taking the northwest frontier of Pakistan. By that time it was in their interest to provide fodder for the Russian guns and bombs.The fight against communism was considered legitimate and acceptable. But the same has backfired now in another guise. Brainwashing the people for more than twenty years will haunt the country and the world for many years to come.

This bleak scenario does not exempt Pakistan from blame but addind insult to injury, west supported military dictatorships all the way through. The hailed Democracy was only better for their people. It is only acceptable in other countries when ‘interest’ demands so. “Ends justifies means” Machiavelli would have seen it practically happening that how the world is acting towards a vulnerable state.

The policy of isolation towards a country that helped the world on its own expense would bear no good results. Blame game or excommunication would lead to more chaos and unrest in the region. Weak economy and weak democracy cannot guarantee a strong education and an impregnable security against a powerful monster-terrorism..

People have already suffered enough. The choice is open and clear. Isolation may satisfy a few but destabilisation may lead to unimaginable disaster. It is time to help build democracy strong and healthy. Lets select a better choice by helping Pakistan out of the whirl-not self created, for the future of democracy and the world.

Thursday 5 March 2009

White Night

By Debjani Basu

NO – I am not talking about the timeless piece of Russian author Dostoevsky’s short story “WHITE NIGHTS” but I am talking about the nights which wrapped it into some magical white sheets. We had arrived just a few months back to Sheffield. Our new home… All set to start a new life. It is entirely a new geographic location for me, very far away from motherland physically as well as culturally. I had heard about the unpredictable weather of UK and now it was time for me to experience it.

One fine night, I was sleeping cosy in my bed. I got a call from Varun (my dear friend) - “Hey - It’s snowing outside. And it will be your first experience with snow. Go out experience the British winter, there is your chance to capture some white pictures!”I extended my arm to move the curtains in an attempt to get a clear picture of a somewhat bizarre image outside the window. Things were flying in the air and the roads looked crystalline. As soon as I realized that it was snowing heavily I jumped out of my bed, grabbed the camera and rushed out to snap the lovely scene. Within few clicks the battery ran out however I did manage to snap a couple of nice shots and record a small video clip. I woke up to this wonderful sight. The road, roofs of houses, trees, the cars all covered with lovely white snow. It was snow all over. It seemed as if somebody had piled heaps of cotton wool on the road. It was cold, but beautiful picturesque nature at its best. The snow that fell overnight was a gift.....everything became clean, white and unsullied. Next morning as the sun warmed the trees their branches released, and the snow powder sifted through their needles. The wind carried it in wisps and plumes of white, like descending spirits returning home to earth.

Deal or no Deal

By Mohammad Khan

I say No when Bank says Deal,
Banker’s No, No! Makes my Deal,
Luck and Mind are both at large,
Trying to grab a better Deal or No Deal.

Not for money not for fame,
Make a difference with this game,
Mend a broken heart to heal,
Say it ‘Deal or No deal’.

Three and half years for Sleeping Burglar

By Mohammad Khan

A burglar found asleep at house has been jailed for three and a half year.

Sheffield Crown Court heard that the occupant found a 30-year man asleep on the floor in the morning. Mr Leighton Scott Wild, from 35 Atherton Road, did not resist when police later arrested him.
Crown prosecutor Neil Coxon said the occupants went to bed at 2230 on Sunday 11 Jan 2009.The following morning at 0630 the occupants found a man asleep on the floor.
Mr Wild made his way through the kitchen window .The footprints and marks are the evidence that he has made an unsuccessful attempt on shed, which was pad
locked. He has also searched other rooms, and opened personal mail. He was in possession of stolen jacket and a mobile. Laptop, hover and a handbag were found near the front door.
Mr Wild said that he did not know how he got there. He threatened the occupant if they tried to touch him they will be sued. Mr Wild tested positive for drugs.
Leighton S Wild, drugs addict and previously convicted for twelve counts of robbery, burglary and conning. The Prosecution told the Court he was in prison for four and a half years for theft and released in July 2008.
Kevin Jones, defending, requested to consider his plea and honesty about accepting two other offences. Mr Wild was homeless and relapsed back to using drugs. He put no resistance while the occupant's detained him. Mr Jones said, ''He understands that he needs to make some efforts. His determination is at highest.''
The Judge Mr David Smith while sentencing him said, ''I bear in mind your plea. I bear in mind your honesty to accept two other charges but I have no alternative but send you to jail.''