Saturday 11 April 2009

Love Humanity

By Mohammad Khan

I am a Human Being,
Wanting song of Love to sing.
Who is stopping ME to do?
Me and Me the only BOO!

Different lands and different plants,
Birds are different, different chants.
Some are pray to have them all,
Weak are down and down they fall.
Eat and drink and go to sleep,
Mind and Heart in slumber deep.

Different Me and different THEY,
Body, Soul and Nature say.
Ocean deep the feelings are,
Thoughts are high than any star,
All is ME if weak are best,
North and South or East and West.

Why instinctive as they are?
Why the MIND and HEART at war?
Why the castes and colours bar?
Why the sects and schisms are?
Why the high and low We think?
Why the deep and low We sink?

Bring the Feelings, Mind at Peace,
Justice, Love the only fees,
Nothing out but all in Peace,
Peace at concrete, abstract Peace,
Peace is starting End is Peace.

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